Friday, December 7, 2012

Fat Loss For the Stomach, Hips, Thighs, And Buttocks

A couple months ago my daughter blurted out: "Have you gained weight Mom"? (A stop you in our tracks statement! Ya Think!) I looked at her and said: "Probably..." All I have to do is look at a piece of pastry, bread, food and gain 2lbs." Of course, the pounds accumulated around my stomach, hips, thighs, and bottom. As you probably can conclude from that conversation I took a long side shot of my body in the mirror and wondered how did I let this go so far? I exercised all my life four to five times a week and I was naïve enough to think this would prevent any weight gain. Oh, menopause hit and you know the rest. Exercise is good to maintain flexibility and heart health. I ate healthy but I was unconscious of what I was actually eating as most of us are. Immediately I joined the class category seeking help for the "battle of the bulge".
The first deal you make with yourself is to stop believing the fat loss fads and diet pill advertising. When we understand, there is no miracle drug that will get us to where we want to go, then our journey begins.  When we finally see, read, or hear truth our fragile reality takes a back seat while we explore a reality that just might save our lives.
I read an article about a doctor from Arizona who engaged in a six year study to cure obesity. What she found out will literally knock your socks off. 
  • Right now as you live and breath, believe it or not, there is a ton of deadly 'plague' inside your intestines.
  • Where there is plague there are surely parasites (worms) that keeps the fat build a strong hold; the take over of your colon and bowels.
  • 99.9% of people living in the United States are considered over weight and infested with plague and parasites.
  • This JUNK deliberately put there? Yes!
Within the pages of this article I learned what your doctor won't tell you, what nasty information the pharmaceutical companies keeps under lock and key, how the diet food industry sabotages their products with unnatural substance to keep you hungry, and why the diet industry is so huge and really doesn't want you to lose weight. You might wonder why would someone deliberately choose to harm the innocent people of society, it really is quite simple. Money! In the future when you read something please read between the lines and ask what these conglomerates have to gain. Don't get me wrong I was also one of those people who got duped, swindled, taken advantage of my desperation, and bought their products with a resigned hope that there was truth behind the advertising. Well, let me let you in on a secret you probably also have discovered, diet pills, food diet programs, obsessive exercise, will not shed your pounds, inches, and bulges. 
Listen up and listen well! Stomach fat loss can only be achieved by first cleansing the waste that clings to your intestinal and bowl walls. Your stomach harbors the parasites and plague that causes your discomfort and is a sure sign your liver is being over taxed and unable to cleanse the impurities out 100%.
I bought Top Secret Fat Loss Secret, I tried, I liked, and I lost the stomach that was killing me.
Stop the insanity of jumping from one diet solution to another. Don't waste any more money until you get your hands on what the authorities are calling the world's Top Secret Fat Loss Secret [] the answer to your stomach fat loss and everywhere else you want to blow the fat away. Never again be held prisoner inside your own fat body instead claim your inner territory back the natural way...
It didn't happen overnight but there was "at a boy" evidence from the scale and mirrored side view, it was working! I saw my skin take on a glow of health, my energy was restored, my mind was sharp and clear, no longer sluggish, and I was sleeping like a baby. Oh, Oh, Oh, and my sinus problems and allergies were fading. I was no longer considered chronic sinus syndrome.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Top Fat Loss Secret - You'll Really Be Surprised

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is a manual that takes you on a journey to the digestive organs in your body where the real reasons for your lack of weight loss lie. Being fat and unhealthy, the author states, is not the result of overeating, improper diet or lack of will power. Disgusting organisms and a harmful lump of plaque are the real offenders, Suzanne states. The main goal of this program is to show you how to eliminate these harmful parasites off your systems so you can effectively and immediately lose weight.
The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is easily accessible because it is downloadable. You can choose from either of the program's two versions: the Pro Version and the Hardcore Elite Version. The Pro Version provides a thorough understanding of why your diet regimen doesn't seem to work and reveals a range of methods that effectively cuts your body fat. More "hardcore", rigorous and intensive methods will be taught in the Hardcore Elite Version. Either way, you'll find out what the "secret" the title is referring to. Most go for the Pro version because of its affordability.
You will have an understanding of the role of plaque and parasites in your weight gain or loss. You will find out how parasites get inside your system to begin with. You will be introduced to ways of flushing these disgusting creatures. Additionally, the how's of eliminating plaque build-up will be featured too. You will be given diet and nutritional tips including food selection and food combination, guide to understanding your metabolism and metabolic type and tips on choosing the right workout.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fat Loss Factor 4 Idiots

Weight, health and fitness are closely related to each other. In fact, 'lose weight fast and safe' is the mantra of this generation. But then also obesity rules supreme in almost all the continents.The nutrition coordinator for Strong and Healthy Oklahoma remarked, "Obesity can cause more than 30 chronic health conditions...". Thus, improving your health and fitness through losing weight has become more commonplace now-a-days as people have become increasingly conscious about harmful effects of overweight on their overall health. Some of the obesity health risks which you should consider as you try to lose weight fast and safe are:

Overweight and high blood pressure

 -Around 70% of people who are suffering from high blood pressure are obese. People who do not gain weight with age are also not prone to increase their blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure and you contact a physician, the first thing he will suggest is that you lose weight. Therefore, weight loss will prove to be very helpful for you if you want to get rid of your high blood pressure.

Overweight and heart diseases

 - Obesity also affects your heart. Actually, being overweight, having a lot of abdominal fat, and obesity directly increase your risk of getting diabetes, which is also considered to be a major contributor of heart disease. Therefore, losing weight fast, naturally, and safely also decreases your risks of getting heart diseases.

Overweight and blood cholesterol

 - One of the adverse effects of being overweight is that your cholesterol levels are affected unfavorably. Basically, body cholesterol levels are made up of several types of cholesterol including HDL, which protects the heart and LDL, which increase heart disease risks. As far as your health and fitness is concerned, your aim should be to increase HDL and decrease LDL. When you gain weight, you tend to have the reverse effect on your blood lipids. With each increasing pound you generally decrease your HDL (your good cholesterol) and increase in LDL (your bad cholesterol), thus adversely affecting your cholesterol levels.

Overweight and diabetes

 - Diabetes is known to be a direct result of obesity. According to researchers and experts, it has been found that if adult obesity and weight gain is eliminated, around 80% of diabetes cases would not have taken place. Not surprisingly, one of the immediate treatments for diabetes is losing weight.

Overweight and cancer

 - Recent studies have found that obesity health risks are at its extreme point. More than 20% of all the cancers are associated with obesity and overweight. It has been proven that obesity increases the risks of developing breast cancer after the menopause, mainly because the body fats produce hormone the hormone estrogen.
By considering all these factors, we can conclude that obesity is seriously hazardous to the overall health and fitness of human beings. We must agree that weight loss is very important for the prevention and treatment of heart diseases, heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, unhealthy blood cholesterol, and several other chronic diseases.
The best thing you can do in your life is to achieve and also sustain weight that is appropriate for your height and level of fitness. Once you increase your weight too much or you become obese, you can put your health and fitness at serious risk. Never think that a little gain in weight can be tolerable, you should try to lose it even if you have gained as little as five pounds.