Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fat Loss Workout - 300 Challenge Routine

One of my fat loss workout secret weapons is the use of challenge routines. The theory behind this is simple - you're much more likely to give an all-out effort when there's a challenge involved, even if it's just friendly competition with yourself.
By knowing that you're going for a personal best when you enter this form of fat loss workout, you're automatically more focused and ready to push past your comfort level. Getting out of your workout comfort zone is important if you want to lose fat and sculpt an impressive physique.
I'm sure you're familiar with the original 300 challenge workout routine that was used to get the actors in fighting shape for the blockbuster smash, 300. If you've tried this workout before, then you already know how effective such a routine can be for fat loss and building lean muscle.
In case you're in need of an even more advanced challenge routine, I've designed a very taxing regimen that will take lots of heart and determination to push through in a decent time.
Using a heavy pair of dumbbells for the first four, highly metabolic compound lifts and explosive, body weight-only exercises for the last two movements, this advanced 300 challenge workout is total madness.
Just like the original, this challenge routine also contains 300 total repetitions. You'll be performing six exercises at fifty repetitions per exercise. There are no rules, with the exception that you should complete all fifty repetitions of one exercise, with full range of motion and proper form, before moving onto the next movement.
Your ultimate goal of course, will be to complete all 300 reps in the shortest amount of time possible. Start your stopwatch with the very first repetition and stop it at rep 300, without pausing.
Guys in decent shape should aim for using 45-lb. dumbbells (or more) and girls in good shape should start with at least a pair of 25-lb. dumbbells. Perform the exercises in the exact order listed below. Good luck and enjoy the rapid fat loss and quick gains in lean muscle mass.
Fat Loss Workout - 300 Challenge:
---> Dumbbell stiff-legged deadlifts x 50 reps
---> Dumbbell front squats x 50 reps
---> Dumbbell bent over rows (underhand grip) x 50 reps
---> Dumbbell push-presses x 50 reps
---> Body weight decline push-ups (feet on bench or stability ball) x 50 reps
---> Explosive burpees (include push-up at bottom and explosive jump at top) x 50 reps
Anything under 18-minutes is pretty impressive for this fat loss challenge workout. The most important thing, however, is to be sure and beat your previous time when you repeat the workout. I recommend using this type of challenge routine as a substitute for one of your normal fat loss workouts, no more than once every two weeks!

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