Thursday, May 2, 2013

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

Maybe this will be the most amazing story of fat loss you' ll ever heard of in your entire life! Ready yourself to be shock and amaze about the truth that I'm going to show you. Did you know that are body are slowly eaten and consume by "something" that has no teeth? This is the same reason why no matter what we do, we doesn't lose weight ad we failed miserably time after time! This things are plaque and parasite that keeps on dictating our brain to eat and eat until we become fat like a cow! No matter what we do, this parasite kept on growing and multiplying, consuming every fats on our body. That's why even though we have the most modern and most advanced medical equipment our body doesn't prevent us from getting sick?
Let me start by telling you the story of a Lady doctor named Suzanne Gudakunst! She is a doctor specializing and researching about obesity! She is the world-famous TV lady doctor who comes forth and blows the lid of conspiracy to keep you unhealthy, fat and sick. She revealed this top secret fat loss secret to the public to become aware of this shocking truth. Because of this revelation, her life is endanger. She got a lot of death threats coming from people who might offended by her shocking revelation. She just want to put an end on some wrong conception about weight loss program.
Based on her research, she found out that the reason why most modern day medicine, diet patch, healthy foods, medicine and other organic foods don't work in this 21st technologically amazing age is that they were deliberately designed not to. Have you ever wonder why Japan prevent any dairy or meat product coming from America from entering to their country? The truth is our foods have been filled with unnatural things that were not supposed to have! It is a sad fact that in a way of finding ways to make us healthy, this is the same reason we get sick and eventually die
It is not too late to make and accept changes in our life! We must love our self! If we want to live longer we must live healthy and How to do it?
1. Choose the right food that we are going to eat. Not all healthy foods are designed to make us healthy and strong. Be careful and choosy.
2. Exercise. Do some exercise and stretching. This will only involves some of your time. Don't be stop by the reason that you are just busy doing this. 30 to 20 minutes is enough.
3. Consult doctors about your health problem.
4. Prevent some bad habits. Smoking and too much drinking are some of the things you should eliminate or at least lessen.
5. Get enough sleep.
6. Drink plenty of water.
7. Last but not the least, you should read the book of Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst to know more on how you can get rid this harmful parasites, plaque and little critters forever!
I hope after reading this story you may find your way to a more healthier life! In a way finding the truth about top secret fat loss secret is not just a waste of time!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret - Magic or Straight Facts?

The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret has taken the internet by a major storm in the past few months, and surprisingly, this product was not even written by a professional fitness trainer. Unlike other popular fat loss products on the internet, this 49 page top secret fat loss secret book is written by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst whose field is research on colon and the digestive system.
You are probably wondering how the colon and the digestive system relate to losing fat? Well, that's what this review is going to talk about so sit back and read this review from top to bottom.
In the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret book, Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst has taken a new approach to losing body fat. Have you ever wondered that no matter how hard you workout, how perfect you eat, and how much you beat yourself and you still can't lose that fat?
Have you ever considered it might not be your fault at all? The truth according to The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is that there are living, breathing parasites inside your body that have taken your body under their control. They are to be blamed for you ending up with so much fat that you just can't seem to get rid of.
According to the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret book, your body is filled up with excessive dump stored that has over flown through your colon. This excessive dump has allowed the parasites to rule and grow in your body for so long, that your personal health is at risk.
This is where The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret comes in. Dr Suzanne Gudakunst shows a simple step by step plan to get rid of this excessive dump and the horrible little parasites out of your body for good. It is a simple detox diet plan that lasts for three days and you are cleaner than you probably have been half your life.
Also, in the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret report, you get a great deal of information on how effective diet can be to help you get rid of body fat. We have all read how important it is to eat short meals at frequent times instead of 3 large meals a day. It is also important to eat high fiber carbs, lean protein and essential fats in every meal.
Did you know that there is a proper ratio of macro nutrients you should eat in order to lose body fat effectively? Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst claims that each body is different and the macro nutrient ratios are pretty different for different bodies. My body reacts well to protein, while yours may react to carbs.
In the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret book, you get a link to a quiz where you can identify which body type you actually belong to and what your macronutrient ratio should actually be.

Fat Loss Workout - 300 Challenge Routine

One of my fat loss workout secret weapons is the use of challenge routines. The theory behind this is simple - you're much more likely to give an all-out effort when there's a challenge involved, even if it's just friendly competition with yourself.
By knowing that you're going for a personal best when you enter this form of fat loss workout, you're automatically more focused and ready to push past your comfort level. Getting out of your workout comfort zone is important if you want to lose fat and sculpt an impressive physique.
I'm sure you're familiar with the original 300 challenge workout routine that was used to get the actors in fighting shape for the blockbuster smash, 300. If you've tried this workout before, then you already know how effective such a routine can be for fat loss and building lean muscle.
In case you're in need of an even more advanced challenge routine, I've designed a very taxing regimen that will take lots of heart and determination to push through in a decent time.
Using a heavy pair of dumbbells for the first four, highly metabolic compound lifts and explosive, body weight-only exercises for the last two movements, this advanced 300 challenge workout is total madness.
Just like the original, this challenge routine also contains 300 total repetitions. You'll be performing six exercises at fifty repetitions per exercise. There are no rules, with the exception that you should complete all fifty repetitions of one exercise, with full range of motion and proper form, before moving onto the next movement.
Your ultimate goal of course, will be to complete all 300 reps in the shortest amount of time possible. Start your stopwatch with the very first repetition and stop it at rep 300, without pausing.
Guys in decent shape should aim for using 45-lb. dumbbells (or more) and girls in good shape should start with at least a pair of 25-lb. dumbbells. Perform the exercises in the exact order listed below. Good luck and enjoy the rapid fat loss and quick gains in lean muscle mass.
Fat Loss Workout - 300 Challenge:
---> Dumbbell stiff-legged deadlifts x 50 reps
---> Dumbbell front squats x 50 reps
---> Dumbbell bent over rows (underhand grip) x 50 reps
---> Dumbbell push-presses x 50 reps
---> Body weight decline push-ups (feet on bench or stability ball) x 50 reps
---> Explosive burpees (include push-up at bottom and explosive jump at top) x 50 reps
Anything under 18-minutes is pretty impressive for this fat loss challenge workout. The most important thing, however, is to be sure and beat your previous time when you repeat the workout. I recommend using this type of challenge routine as a substitute for one of your normal fat loss workouts, no more than once every two weeks!

3 Top Secrets to Lose Fats the Permanent Way - Spend Less on Weight Loss Products

By the time you finish reading this article, you will discover that there is no longer need for spending any bucks on the so called weight loss product from the diet industry. These weight loss industries are not telling us the truth about how to actually lose pounds permanently but are more interested in making a huge sum of money as a business enterprise.
Here, you are going to find out the actual truth about permanent weight loss, which are the actual secrets the weight loss product makers are keeping close to their chest and not prepared in any way to let you know the truth. These 3 top secrets reveal how to lose pounds permanently.
  • You have to watch your intake
  • The content of your diet have to be taken into consideration, the nutrients must contain protein, complex carbohydrates, good fats (yes, I mean good fat because there are good and bad fat), fruits and vegetables. You have to eat the right food in the right proportion at the right interval each day.
  • You have to drink a large Quantity of water
  • Drinking of large quantity of Water is very important to actually lose pounds. The kidney and liver need not to be deprived of water since dehydration slows down the fat- burning process whereas the calories burning process requires adequate supply of water to function efficiently.
  • You have to take a walk regularly
  • You do not have to engage your self with strenuous exercises that sometime leads to injuries in order to lose weight. It is believed in some quarters that the best form of exercise is walking.This is supported by research which proves that the best type of exercises is regular aerobic physical activity, which include walking, swimming and jogging.